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About Me.

Thank you for taking time to browse my portfolio. But first let me give you a brief review of my education and background.


My name is Kathryn Zap. I was born and raised in Andrews, Texas, where I currently reside. I graduated from Andrews High School in May 2012. Soon after I applied at Midland College in Midland, Texas and earned enough credits to transfer to another university.


In 2020, I was accepted to Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas and began studying B.F.A in Digital Media and Applications. In May 2022, I graduated and currently applying for post grad internships in hope of exploring and learning more before entering the work field. 


Despite being born and raised in West Texas , my father originated from Mescalero Apache Reservation, New Mexico which I consider as my second home. 


My culture is what makes me who I am. I am inspired by traditions, lifestyles and morals that have played into my art. I admire educating others about my culture and would love to share my stories with them.


Mescalero has given me the opportunity to pursue my passion and follow my dreams. I've made an oath within myself to never forget who I am. I dream to inspire others to believe their wildest dreams no matter where you're from, you can succeed.


Thank you!

Cover Letter - Updated 2023
Resume - Updated 2023


May 2012

Graduated from Andrews High School in Andrews, Texas. I studied in Accounting for two years and was awarded Who's Who for Business my senior year in 2012. I also studied in Music for four years and Fashion Design for one year. 


Associates of General Studies
Midland College

Graduated in December 2019 from Midland College in Midland, TX. I studied my general studies in effort to earn transfer credit. I did intern at the Midland Community Theatre to study textiles and gain experience.


Bachelor's of Fine Art in Digital Media and Applications
Lubbock Christian University

Graduated in May 2022 from Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas. I specialized in film editing and 3D modeling. I was an intern for Kristen Dickson and spent my time learning digital graphics and content creation. I also competed in art competition hosted by the Art Department and showcased my art periodically.

My Story.

Art was the one thing that allowed me to embrace my personality and show others what I can do. I wanted to tell my story in many ways but was never good with words. Colors and textures gravitated towards me and the only thing I could do, was embrace the wonders of it.


So, I never knew exactly what I wanted to do with my passion for art and the will to grow and develop. It took most of my twenties to realize that technology and art is becoming one. I knew that was something to be further explored. I'm thankful for my time at Lubbock Christian University which allowed me to experience many other forms of career paths that would be within my degree. 


Now that I feel like I know what I want, I am driven to inspire and pursue something I thought was impossible. Now all I need is someone to give me a chance.


Summer 2021

Storytime Bookclub

Dallas, TX (Remote)

Kristen Dickson is a picture book author who created an online reading program, Storytime Book Club. My academic advisor, Doug Darby introduced me to Kristen and offered me a summer internship specifically to help gain experience in my expertise.


Within the summer, I helped Kristen create content for her social media, her website and her printable packets. Every week was a different theme such as adventure, kindness, courage, etc. She gave me two titles: art director and digital media manager. This was because I created digital graphic files both in color and black white. I made about 40 original designs that I hand sketched before creating a final product.


Lastly, I contributed in managing her social platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram,, her blog and website. I worked with Kristen specifically to increase engagement on her social media. I produced about 8 blog posts each with about 100 book cover thumbnails. With Pinterest, we grew about 25% within three months. Overall, we had more than 3,000 new followers on Instagram and more than 400 online sign-ups.


This internship was the opportunity I’ve been looking forward to. It really gave me the chance to see what I’m capable of. It was a busy summer, communicating back and forth to meet in the middle. I couldn’t be more grateful to work along with a creative person like Kristen who challenged me, who inspired to try something new, and who also encourage me to keep pushing.



University Bridals and Formals

Odessa, TX

Holly Forbes, the Owner of University Bridals and Formals, gave me the opportunity and the privilege to become the head Seamstress. She recognized my work at the theater and offered me a part-time job and full-time apprentice with the alteration department.


At University Bridals and Formals, I really developed techniques within a short amount of time. This environment is very fast paced with quick deadlines and tasks to complete daily. Unlike my time at the theater, at this job, I spent most of my time working independently then collaborated with others to complete the project.


Although this internship doesn’t compliment my degree, I was able to do something that I really enjoyed doing and I learned as well. This opportunity helped me become more organize, work independent, manage time and work with other employees and clients. I met more people from this internship than ever and I can call these people family.


Midland Community Theatre

Midland, TX

Tim Jebsen, the Executive Director of Midland Community Theater, offered a part- time internship for the length of fall and spring semesters. I was chosen to be the intern for the costume department and assigned to with the Costume Designer, Michael Willhelm-Waid.


Michael taught me the “behind the scene” essence of creating cohesive costumes that follow color palettes, texture of fabric to match the theme, time period, and the meet the production’s expectations.


Within my time at the theater, I picked up so many qualities that I believe will help me in future projects. One of those being able to work with other people from various departments such as the cast, the set crew and theater head office employees. This internship has encouraged me to continue to design and create and appreciate how teamwork can be a beautiful thing. I will always be thankful for this opportunity.

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